Nathan Torgerson
Senior Distinguished Systems Engineer, Medtronic Neuromodulation
Industry and Academic Collaboration for Developing Epidural Stimulation Systems for Spinal Cord Injury: Past, Present, and Future
Successful “concept to commercialization” of a therapy usually involves academic scientists and researchers working in conjunction with partners in industry. This presentation will discuss what the collaborative journey between academia and industry has looked like in SCI research, what has presently changed to make collaborative research potentially more impactful, and how collaborative efforts going forward could accelerate the ability to gain commercial treatment options for spinal cord injury in the future.
Nathan Torgerson has over 30 years of experience at Medtronic as a systems engineer in the design, development, and approval process of commercially available implantable neurostimulation systems that have been used for the treatment of movement disorders, epilepsy, chronic pain, and incontinence. Nathan has also been involved for over a decade in the support and development of epidural stimulation systems used in spinal cord injury research.