Quinn Brett, MA
Program Analyst, National Park Service; Mountain Climber/Hand Cyclist; Advocate for Public Lands & Recreational Accessibility; Director, U2FP Board
The Great Divide
The Great Divide separates all the water that runs toward the Pacific Ocean from the water that runs toward the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans and the Gulf of Mexico. It starts in Cape Prince of Wales in western Alaska. It runs through western Canada and the United States through the Rocky Mountains, then through the Sierra Madre Occidental mountains in Mexico. Water that touches everyone in Western North America. This dividing line drawn on the map inherently creates boundaries to wilderness areas and represents the height of the land between watersheds. It does not follow the highest peaks within the range. The flow of water along this imaginary line is analogous to the many walls and barriers we construct in our everyday environment around notions of disability, and care vs. cure within the spinal cord injury community.
Quinn Brett is inspired to push physical and mental boundaries. Climbing, in all its forms, has become one medium for her self discovery. Cultivating mindfulness, evaluating fears and appreciating failure are all a part of Quinn’s continual progress. Professionally, Quinn was a climbing ranger in the summer months for Rocky Mountain National Park, performing technical Search and Rescue. She is an advocate for our public land preservation and conservation. In the winter months, Quinn teaches wilderness medicine for Remote Medical International. Her passion for education permeates across all areas. On October 11, 2017, Quinn’s ability changed due to a fall that resulted in paralysis. Her sentiment and passion remains to inspire others through ongoing self-inquiry via her athletic endeavors.
Hand-Cycling Feats
- White Rim in a day — 13:02 — (April 2021)
- Tour Divide First hand-cyclist — 25 days — (June/July 2021)
Climbing Highlights
Big Wall
- 7 Yosemite Big Walls in 7 days all in < 10 hrs (Oct 2016).
- First Woman-team to climb 2 El Capitan Routes in a Day —21:17— (Oct 2014)
- First Woman-team to climb 4 Big Walls in a Day in Zion —16:16 —-(Mar. 2016)
- Speed Records : Lost Arrow Spire Direct , IV 5.8 C2, 7:20 hrs; Southwest Face, Liberty Cap, V 5.8 C2+, 6:13hrs
- Women’s Speed Records: Lurking Fear, VI 5.11 C1, El Capitan, 7:47 hrs; South Face, V 5.8 C1, Washington Column, 4:01 hrs; West
- Face, V 5.7 C2, Leaning Tower, 4:10 hrs; South Face, IV 5.9 C2, Mt Watkins, 9:50 hrs (Oct. 2016). Touchstone Wall V 5.9 C2 , 2:02 hrs;
- Spaceshot V 5.8 C2, 2:40 hrs; Sheer Lunacy V 5.11 C1, 3:09 hrs; Moonlight Buttress V 5.8 C1, 3:20 hrs (Mar. 2016)
- Solo Walls: Touchstone Wall V 5.9 C2, 5:20 hrs; Spaceshot V 5.8 C2, 7:30 hrs; South Face, V 5.8 C1, Washington Column, 8:45 hrs
- Afanaseiff, Cerro Fitz Roy 1550m 30* 6a+, Southern Patagonia
- Brass Parrot Link-up 7b+, Desmochada, Southern Patagonia
- Venturi Effect, 512+, Incredible Hulk, California — on-sight
- Sendero Norte 5.12, East Face Snowpatch Spire, Bugaboos
- Ariana 5.12, Longs Peak, Colorado — on-sight
Free climbs
- Spaceshot 5.13, Zion National Park, First Female Ascent
- Dakota 5.13c, Lumpy Ridge, Colorado
- Fraid Line 5.13R, Eldorado State Park, Colorado
- Le Diamant E’ternal 5.13-, River Wall II, St. Vrain, Colorado
- The Wasp 5.13-, Rock of Ages, Colorado
- The Evictor 5.12+ R, Eldorado State Park, Colorado
- PsychaTomic 5.12d, The Monastary, Colorado
- El Camino Real 5.12c, Lumpy Ridge, Colorado
First Ascents
- Colorado Route 5.11+, South Face Cerro Fitz Roy, Southern Patagonia, Argentina
- Geronimo, 5.12, NE Face Chiefshead, Rocky Mountain National Park
- Mystery Wall, 5.11, South Ridge, Himal Predasch, India *no summit*
- Casseopia 5.11 A3, Middle Huey Spire, Cirque of the Unclimbables
- Wile Flowers 5.12, W. Face Snowpatch Spire, Bugaboos, Canada
- Plenty for Everyone 5.11, Barnes Wall, Greenland
- Morning Luxury 5.11, Breakfast Spire, Greenland