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U2FP's Blog > Keeping you current on the movement to cure paralysis
Oct 11, 2024

One (More) Thing

Matthew Rodreick

As most of you know, we had a generous donor from the SCI community who committed to match all donations (up to $100k!) to U2FP during the month of September. This was in honor of SCI Awareness month, which we also celebrated by featuring testimonials from SCI individuals who shared the one thing they’d most want back after their injury. 

You can watch all these testimonial reels on our Instagram channel, @U2FP

Thanks to so many of you we were able to raise over $60,000! Of course, our goal was to maximize the match by hitting our $100,000 goal before the end of the month. But in the final days of September, several donors reached out to me saying they would be in a position to give substantially in October - could we extend the timeline for the match?

So I contacted the SCI donor who launched this match campaign - and they said yes! We now have until the end of October to reach $100,000 and I know we can do it. We are almost two thirds of the way there and the enthusiasm for this campaign has been infectious.

Help us reach our $100,000 match goal by the end of October. Your gift will go twice as far and help us achieve important goals - like passing a $3M SCI Research Funding bill in Wisconsin this next session. Bills like these (which we've passed in Minnesota, Washington, Pennsylvania and Ohio) have helped add nearly $40M to functional recovery research, with proposals being chosen by both SCI scientists and community members.

If you haven’t already given to this campaign, consider making a donation today. Or, if you have contributed, please forward this message to your friends, family and colleagues or share it with your network on social media.

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