Sep 13, 2024
U2FP's Annual Report
Matthew Rodreick
Our 2023 Annual Report is out this month, highlighting the milestones of last year and the ongoing work we continue to do this year. The accomplishments we’ve achieved are largely due to the time, talent and treasure of so many of you: individuals in the SCI and scientific communities who make our work possible.
Please take a few minutes to read where we have been this past year, and where we are headed. The impact reflected in these pages is thanks in large part to your support.
This month, you can help us make an even bigger impact than usual. As you may have heard, an anonymous individual with an SCI has offered to MATCH all donations to U2FP during SCI Awareness Month. We’re already almost a third of the way to our goal.
But the month is almost half over, so we need to step it up. Consider making a donation today. It will go twice as far as usual and will help us accomplish key aspects of our work, such as passing our $3M SCI Research Grant bill in Wisconsin this next session. These state legislative bills now total almost $40M in research grants - and they are chosen BY the SCI community. What’s more, they have resulted in over 200 individuals with an SCI now having experienced some return of function.
Please consider making a donation today - you'll double your impact and help us reach our goal.
Join us!
PS - Some of you (the donors listed on the back page of our Annual Report) will be receiving a copy in the mail. If you are not on this list, but would like to receive a hard copy of our annual report, please respond to this message with your address and we will be happy to send one to you. Thank you!