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More concept developments reported from the Courtine lab in Nature

For those following SCI research in the electrical stimulation field, this open access article in Nature Communications is worth a read.  Here, the Gregoire Courtine lab describes the concept and project where brain-controlled modulation coupled with constant stimulation during gait rehabilitation would enhance locomotion.   They were able to show that brain-controlled stimulation enhances voluntary overground walking and even staircase climbing!  The closed circuit loop increased and improved recovery compared with continuous stimulation only being delivered to the spinal cord during gait rehabilitation.    (cp)

LINK to Nature Communications ArticleBrain-controlled modulation of spinal circuits improves recovery from SCI:

Authors: Marco Bonizzato,  Galyna Pidpruzhnykova,  Jack DiGiovannaPolina Shkorbatova,  Natalia PavlovaSilvestro Micera &  Grégoire Courtine

Supplementary Video LINK

Nature Communications volume 9, Article number: 3015 (2018)