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Craig H. Neilsen Foundation Announces Funding Opportunity for Psychosocial Research

The Craig H. Neilsen Foundation is pleased to announce its Psychosocial Research (PSR) funding opportunity, opening February 12, 2020. Eligible organizations interested in research to address psychological and social factors that affect health, functioning and quality of life for people living with SCI are encouraged to apply.

Goals for this funding are to identify and prioritize critical gaps in the psychosocial field and develop more effective interventions that improve health and participation in individuals with SCI across the lifespan. Topics of interest include — but are not limited to — research on aging, caregiving (formal and informal networks), employment, health behaviors and fitness, independent living, self-management, and technology access.

The 2021 PSR Application Guide and deadline information are now available on our website ( The PSR grants application process begins with submission of a Letter of Intent (LOI), which will available online at proposalCENTRAL ( on February 12. Interested applicants must submit a required LOI by Wednesday, March 25, 2020.

For more information, contact Joy Guihama, Program Officer, at