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Our Last Chance in Wisconsin

Contact Rep. Mark Born, (608-266-2540), Sen. Dale Kooyenga (608-266-2512 ), Representative Tony Kurtz (608-266-8531)

It all comes down to today and tomorrow.

The months-long campaign by U2FP’s Wisconsin CAN advocates to keep the $3M in SCI Research funding that Governor Tony Ever’s put into his proposed budget hit a setback this past month. The money was taken out of Governor Ever’s proposed budget.

We’ve been working tirelessly in meetings with many key WI legislators to get our SCI Research funding put back into the Governor’s budget.

Now we need your help. 

Tomorrow (Tuesday, June 15th) is the last budget hearing of the Joint Committee on Finance - and our last chance to get this funding put back into the Governor’s budget.

Please contact these Joint Finance Committee Members today and ask them to introduce a motion to add the program funding back into the budget.

Rep. Mark Born (co-chair)

  • (608) 266-2540

Sen. Dale Kooyenga

  • (608) 266-2512

Representative Tony Kurtz 

  • (608) 266-8531 

This is it - please pick up the phone - no matter where you live - and contact these key legislators in Wisconsin. They are our last best shot at getting our SCI Research funding put back in the Governor’s Budget.

When you call or write, just say this:

“Hi, my name is ____  ______, and I [have a spinal cord injury / am family/friend of someone with a spinal cord injury]. Please introduce a motion to add the $3M funding for SCI Research back into Governor Evers’ budget. This is a smart, efficient investment that would: 

  • Keep the funds in Wisconsin
  • Allow SCI Community members like me to help decide what research gets funded 
  • Cap indirect costs at 8% (ie no bloated admin costs)

This model of funding has worked well in Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Washington state by getting research out of the lab and into people. Please add this important piece of funding back into the final budget. Thank you!”

Our Wisconsin CAN activists have been working hard to make this moment happen for several years now. 

Your calls and emails can help push us over the finish line towards another victory for curative interventions, this time in Wisconsin!