U2FP’s Cure Advocacy Network (CAN) is at the closest point it has EVER been to passing legislation for spinal cord injury research funding in Wisconsin. We have made it this far because of our CAN team’s strategy and persistence coupled with YOUR phone calls and emails!
Now, we need each of these bills (AB873 & SB1010) to be given a public hearing (ie, where members of the public can share how this legislation would impact them). Many of our WI CAN advocates have already enthusiastically agreed to testify once our bills are scheduled for a hearing. In fact, we want to encourage as many people as possible with an SCI in Wisconsin to show up and/or participate in these hearings.
Thanks to you, our bill in the Assembly is assigned to the Committee on Colleges and Universities; and our bill in the Senate is assigned to the Committee on Health.
The Chairs of these committees - Rep. David Murphy & Sen. Patrick Testin - will decide whether or not to schedule hearings for our bills. So we need YOU to call, email, and ask them to schedule our bill for a public hearing.
You can say something like this:
Hi Senator Testin/Representative Murphy,
My name is ____ ______, and I [have a spinal cord injury / am family/friend of someone with a spinal cord injury]. Please give our Spinal Cord Injury Research Grant bill (AB873 / SB1010) a hearing in the [Senate/House] as soon as possible.
This is a smart, efficient bill that would:
- Keep the funds in Wisconsin
- Allow SCI Community members like me to help decide what research gets funded
- Cap indirect costs at 8% (ie no bloated admin costs)
This legislation will get SCI research out of the lab and into people like [me/my family/friend]. We desperately need this bill to be heard and passed this session. Our community can’t wait!
Contact Rep. David Murphy, ask him to schedule a public hearing for AB 873.
Contact Sen. Patrick Testin and ask him to schedule a public hearing for SB 1010.
Join us!