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Our Voice

U2FP's Blog > Keeping you current on the movement to cure paralysis

Can I Get a Witness?

Good news - Representative David Murphy has agreed to give our $3M Wisconsin SCI bill (AB 873) a hearing! We are working with his office to confirm an exact date and time for this to take place next week in the Colleges and Universities Committee. Getting our bill heard in the Wisconsin Assembly will put it on the record, moving it one step closer to being passed!

Please contact Rep. Murphy’s office and say “Thank You!”

This is your chance to be heard! Reminder: “getting a hearing” or “getting our bill heard” refers to a meeting where individuals get to testify about how a bill would affect their lives. It is designed specifically for lawmakers to receive input from the community that would be impacted … which is us - the SCI Community!

I’ve been busy working with a growing group of individuals in the SCI Community that have agreed to testify supporting our bill. I wanted to share their names with you, because we’re proud to have their voice of support for this important legislation:

  • Max Rammer
  • Doug Rammer
  • John Martinson
  • Mike Mohr
  • Samantha Troyer
  • Murray Blackmore
  • Matthew Rodreick
  • Rob Kozarek

This is a great group of folks - but we can always use more! If you’re interested in testifying in support of our bill - either in-person or by writing a letter of support - please contact me ASAP (you can just respond to this message)

Lastly, please contact Michael Moscicke, the Clerk for the Colleges and Universities Committee, where our bill will get a hearing. Emphasize to Michael how much you support this bill. This will help our chances moving forward.

Michael Moscicke - Clerk for the Colleges and Universities Committee

  • (608) 266-7500

Let’s raise our voice!