Registration for this year’s 17th Annual Science & Advocacy Symposium opens next Friday, June 3rd!
While inflation is affecting everyone - including our hotel costs for hosting this year’s event - our prices will remain the same as previous in-person Symposiums. We are committed to ensuring that as many individuals from the SCI Community as possible have the opportunity to attend this important gathering.
Get ready to join us for this unique, stimulating and collaborative event happening in beautiful Salt Lake City, Utah, on September 23-24, 2022.
Agenda Highlight: Spinal Stimulation
We have witnessed an explosion in the number of Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) studies over the last several years. U2FP is featuring presentations and a panel discussion from this area of study within the symposium agenda this year. We want to keep our community abreast of the developments, discoveries and efforts to bring this strategy to fruition.
The lineage of these current studies can almost assuredly be traced back to the seminal work of Reggie Edgerton (UCLA), who will present on his current research and efforts to bring it to the clinic via the company, Spinex. Susie Harkema (Louisville) will join us for the first time to present on the expansion of her ongoing neuromodulation studies, and questions about clinical readiness for SCS. Lastly, David Darrow (University of Minnesota) will provide both an update on the EStand Trial as well as the continuing expansion of efforts to optimize SCS for as much restoration of function as possible in SCI.
As always, there will be plenty of time to ask questions and dig into this important area of study.
And these heavy hitters from the Stim sphere are only the beginning. We’ve got a great line-up of speakers from the Scientific and SCI Advocacy Communities. See all our confirmed presenters on our Speaker page here.
Venue & Lodging
Get a room at our conference hotel for just $139/night (includes complimentary parking)! Rooms at the Sheraton Salt Lake City hotel are open and available for booking, but they are going fast so don’t wait - reserve your room now!
Travel Grants
As in past years, we’re offering travel grant opportunities to individuals from the SCI Community. You will be able to apply starting next Friday, June 3rd. This is another way U2FP goes the extra mile to include as many individuals as possible at this important event. Special thanks to the Craig H. Neilsen Foundation & Global Technologies for helping to underwrite this program.
Social Media
Follow and like our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn pages to stay abreast of Symposium developments and details.
Our pool of sponsors continues to grow. Consider highlighting your work and strengthening your brand in a stimulating environment that focuses on the SCI Community. Increase your market reach nationally and internationally, all while supporting a ground-breaking conference.
This year’s Symposium wouldn't be happening without our title sponsor, The Craig H. Neilsen Rehabilitation Hospital.
And we continue to add more sponsors for this important gathering. Consider sponsoring U2FP's Annual Symposium and joining these other great organizations this year:
- Craig H. Neilsen Foundation
- Global Technology Services
- Neuroworx
- Jack Jablonski Foundation
- The Dana & Christopher Reeve Foundation
- Kennedy Krieger Institute
- Blackrock Neurotech
- NervGen Pharma
- Invivo Therapeutics
- Push to Walk
- DP Clinical
- Craig Hospital
- Intermountain Healthcare
We’re planning a dynamic agenda, and have some unique offerings in the works, so stay tuned!
Oh, and don't forget that you can watch every session of last year’s Symposium for free over on the Video Library section of our website. Check it out!