Legislative politics often moves way too slow. But sometimes, miraculously, everything can change in a single day. That’s what’s happening in Wisconsin right now, thanks to your ongoing attention and pressure.
Just yesterday, we got word that our bill is close to a final vote without being scheduled by the JFC (where it is still being held up by Rep. Mark Born). Turns out that the Assembly Speaker, Robin Vos, can introduce our bill through a little-known parliamentary rule - and he seems open to doing it, provided that the move has support from the SCI community.
We need Speaker Rep. Vos to hear from all of you - no matter what state or country you live in.
This is our chance. Please contact WI Assembly Speaker Robin Vos today (608-237-9163 | Rep.Vos@legis.wisconsin.gov) and tell him the following:
Speaker Rep. Vos
My name is ____ ______, and I [have a spinal cord injury / am family/friend of someone with a spinal cord injury].
Please bring our bill AB19/SB27 to the floor for a vote. Give us a chance to profoundly and positively affect the lives of people in Wisconsin living with SCI.
The SCI community is counting on you!
The more people Speaker Rep. Vos hears from, the better chance we have of getting this bill over the finish line in Wisconsin.
It could all happen this week - but only if you contact him right now!
Let’s do this!