John Martinson (above) has been relentless at the Capitol. His presence at the Assembly Floor Session likely had a lot to do with our bill getting introduced and passed there. And he’s a key reason we have intel on the below Senators.
I arrived in Madison, Wisconsin last night and am preparing to join our advocates in the halls of the Capitol this morning. Thanks to some stellar intel work by our staff along with wheels-on-the-ground recon last week by long-time WI CAN colleague, John Martinson, we have identified the specific Senators who oppose our bill.
We’ll be meeting with these individuals today and tomorrow, along with Senate Republican leadership, to ensure our bill gets to the floor for a vote. Help us make some noise to get their attention.
We need them to know that we’re not alone - that the SCI community around their state, country and world is paying attention to whether they support this bill.
Here is the list of Senators who need to hear from all of you - no matter what state or country you live in:
- Sen. Rachel Cabral Guevara - Senate District 19, (R - Appleton)
(608) 266-0718 | Sen.Cabral-Guevara@legis.wisconsin.gov
- Sen. Steve Nass - Senate District 11, (R - Whitewater)
(608) 266-2635 | Sen.Nass@legis.wisconsin.gov
- Sen. Dan Feyen - Senate District 18, (R - Fond du Lac)
(608) 266-5300 | Sen.Feyen@legis.wi.gov
- Sen. Julian Bradley - Senate District 28, (R - Franklin)
(608) 266-5400 | Sen.Bradley@legis.wisconsin.gov
- Sen. Rob Hutton - Senate District 5, (R - Brookfield)
(608) 266-2512 | Sen.Hutton@legis.wisconsin.gov
- Sen. John Jagler - Senate District 13, (R - Watertown)
(608) 266-5660 | Sen.Jagler@legis.wisconsin.gov
- JFC Sen. Howard Marklein - Senate District 17, (R - Spring Green)
(608) 266-0703 | Sen.Marklein@legis.wi.gov
- JFC Sen. Joan Ballweg - Senate District 14, (R - Markesan)
(608) 266-0751 | Sen.Ballweg@legis.wisconsin.gov
- JFC Sen. Eric Wimberger - Senate District 30, (R - Green Bay)
(608) 266-5670 | Sen.Wimberger@legis.wisconsin.gov
And of course, don’t forget to remind our friends in Senate Leadership:
- Senate President Chris Kapenga - Senate District 33, (R - Delafield)
608-266-9174 | Sen.Kapenga@legis.wisconsin.gov
- Senate Majority Leader Devin LeMahieu - Senate District 9, (R - Oostburg)
608-266-2056 | Sen.LeMahieu@legis.wisconsin.gov
Tell them the following, but try to make it your own:
Dear Senator [first name/last name],
My name is ____ ______, and I [have a spinal cord injury / am family/friend of someone with a spinal cord injury].
Please support our Spinal Cord Injury Research Grant bill (AB19/SB27) and recommend it be introduced to the Senate floor for a vote this week. Give us a chance to profoundly and positively affect the lives of people in Wisconsin living with SCI.
The SCI community is counting on you - thank you in advance!
Making noise by calling or emailing these Senators with this simple message is the most important thing you can do right now. If you’re curious what their objections were, along with our rebuttals, read this document that lays it all out. We’ve already sent versions of this response to all their offices, and will be reiterating our case in in-person meetings today and tomorrow.
That’s it - we just need them to know we’re watching and paying attention. And flood their offices with calls and emails.
Join John Martinson and the rest of our advocates by making your voice heard. The more people these Senators hear from, the harder it will be to ignore us. We’ll be in their halls. We’ll be on their phones. We’ll be in their inboxes. We’ll be relentless.
Let’s get this done!