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Scientific Advisory Board

Helping smaller foundations vet their research proposals to make every dollar matter.

Cure research can be overwhelming and confusing. Many smaller foundations want to fund promising research, but lack the scientific expertise to vet their funding decisions. The U2FP Scientific Advisory Board is here to fill this gap. We make that expertise available to these important members of the paralysis community.

The U2FP Scientific Advisory Board (SAB)  is directing dollars from SCI foundations to research that is Relevant to Chronic Injury, Replicable, Translatable and Innovative.

Relevant to Chronic Injury
Giving preference to chronic injury research allows for a greater impact to the vast majority of individuals currently living with a spinal cord injury.

Research needs to be replicated in order to move toward clinical trials. We want to identify opportunities to replicate research that shows promise for innovative treatments.

Research that is applicable to the chronic injury and has the potential to move from animal models to human trials.

We wish to identify research that is asking bold questions with conservative interpretations, rather than conservative questions with bold interpretations.  

Review Board - Members


In September of 2012, U2FP - in partnership with SCI Sucks - initiated a Scientific Advisory Board. Its purpose was and is to provide investors in the SCI community with peer-reviewed recommendations on where to direct critical funding and information on specific research interests.