The SAB continues to foster new and previous charity clients to take advantage of our rigorous scientific review services. We processed a grant application in October for a modest continuation of a nerve growth modifying peptide study (using molecules to free up spinal cord nerves). The review and feedback process encourage the funding agency and the research investigators to work together to prioritize, refine and maximize the potential for success.
We're also beginning to explore options for creating a pooled effort among several smaller funders (perhaps in the $50,000 or less range) to target a larger project or perhaps a portfolio of restorative strategies. Several potential funders I spoke with at Working 2 Walk last month we're intrigued by the idea of a leveraged, or perhaps curated funding model. We're working to utilize U2FP’s broad knowledge base and credibility so that funders who may not know what to fund can collaborate with us to create a roadmap.
Looking at the broader research landscape, some interesting developments have occurred recently in neuroscience. Stay tuned for a future update/overview from me in the coming weeks.
Sam Maddox, SAB Director