Create your own customized race when you join Team U2FP for the Run-Walk-Roll! This event, which takes place Friday, September 24 through Sunday, September 26, allows you to design your own course and complete it at your own pace.
Choose the best day(s) for you (Friday, Saturday or Sunday) and get moving for cures! Team U2FP’s Run-Walk-Roll is all about the attention you bring to the movement for spinal cord injury cures. Help U2FP advance curative interventions for the SCI Community by competing in this flexible race!
But you can do more than just run, walk or roll. We want you to feel free to entertain endless opportunities.
For example, Peter Nowell - OH CAN Advocate and current Run-Walk-Roll participant (pictured here) - gets some training time in on his recumbent trike. Peter loves this trike, but knows that too much leg work exacerbates his neuropathic pain. So, he has decided he wants to use his electric scooter to race 13.1 miles, a half-marathon, through a municipal park near his house.
Consider other possibilities such as:
- A pub crawl
- A lawn mower ‘race’
- Laps (or treading water) in your own or health club pool
- A high-five-a-thon
- A walk or roll backwards
- A 20-mile race to get you ready for your next marathon
Make your course as goofy as you like or use it as a training regimen for your next big marathon.
Like all other Team U2FP members, you’ll receive:
- A Personalized Fundraising Page
- A Team U2FP Performance Shirt
- A Fundraising Guide
- *NEW* Join our next Team U2FP virtual happy hour!
There's only one rule: have fun! Your fundraising efforts help bring U2FP closer to our goal of achieving functional recovery for those of us living with an SCI.
Questions? Email
PS - want to support one of our current racers in the Run-Walk-Roll? Click here to view their fundraising pages and donate to their efforts for the movement for cures!