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U2FP's Blog > Keeping you current on the movement to cure paralysis

The Impact You've Made

You've helped Unite 2 Fight Paralysis accomplish so much this past year. From passing $3M of smart SCI Research funding in Ohio, to adding livestreaming to this year's Working 2 Walk Symposium, to the post-production development of the SUBMERGED Film Project (aka The Cure Map).

If you haven't already done so, right now is a great time to make a year-end donation to U2FP and/or become a monthly donor, so we can continue to Fuel the Journey towards cures for paralysis.

Consider the impact your support has made in just a few of our many initiatives over these last 12 months.

  • Our Cure Advocacy Network (CAN) passed $3M in Ohio for SCI Research as part of the Governor's Budget there this past July. This brought our total legislative funding up to nearly $12 million dollars in the last 5 years! We have also introduced a $10M Bill for SCI Research in Wisconsin - authored by Rep. Jimmy Anderson, who has an SCI - and are currently strategizing with SCI advocates in Colorado and Texas!
  • Our Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) has helped SCI Foundations to vet 7 different SCI Research Funding projects this past year. U2FP is helping smaller foundations ensure that their investments are behind the strongest science. And our SAB Director, Sam Maddox continues to offer invaluable context on the latest spinal cord injury news and research.
  • This year's Working 2 Walk Symposium was a huge success. We were able to offer our first-ever livestream of the Symposium, helping those who couldn't make it watch in real-time, for free! For those who did come, we saw the SCI Community show up in force as 45% of attendees were from the SCI Community (Injured or Family). And we kept costs low, providing reduced or no-cost admission for almost half of all attendees!
  • The SUBMERGED film project (aka The Cure Map) continues to progress in it's post-production development. This is a film U2FP has helped foster and raise support for, allowing SCI Activist Kelsey Peterson (who is also a contributing writer for U2FP) seek connection with her SCI Community and answers from some of the most brilliant minds in medical research, all to help amplify the voice for a cure. The project is nearing completion, and we'll have more updates for you in the new year - so stay tuned!
  • U2FP is always collaborating with the leading scientists to help facilitate better, faster curative interventions. It's what we do on our Quarterly Neuromodulation Conference Calls, along with continuing to foster the first research project for the Association of Neuro-Activity Based Professionals. We've got a few things cooking that we can't quite tell you about stay tuned!
  • Finally, our Team U2FP runners and wheelers picked up more steam this year, adding a new event - the Twin Cities in Motion Marathon and 10-mile races. This was in addition to our flagship event: the Bank of America Chicago Marathon. We're gearing up for the coming year with more opportunities for support, team building and the ability to raise awareness for SCI research!

You made all of this possible - our monthly donors, our generous sponsors for Working 2 Walk, and our faithful year-end supporters. With your support, our movement is growing and making a real impact on both the scientific and SCI Communities.

If you haven't already done so, right now is a great time to make a year-end donation to U2FP and/or become a monthly donor, so we can continue to Fuel the Journey towards cures for paralysis.

Thank you so much for your support, we are excited to push this movement further down the road towards cures for spinal cord injury in 2020.

Wishing you all a happy and healthy New Year!

Matthew Rodreick, Executive Director