Unite 2 Fight Paralysis exists to unite and empower the international spinal cord injury community to cure paralysis through advocacy, education, and support for research. Get Educated and Get Involved.
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There is a terrible irony hiding in the news this past week. The Federal Budget that passed last Friday (3/14) cut 57% - approximately $850 million - out of the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program (CDMRP). This is a Department of Defense agency that funds biomedical research programs, including spinal cord injury. Within those cuts is a zeroing out of the Spinal Cord Injury Research Program (SCIRP)…or about $40 million this year. That’s $40 million GONE, right now...
Welcome back to our second episode in this three-part series about the barriers to progress in the treatment of spinal cord injuries. We’re once again joined by neurosurgeon, researcher and lived-experience advocate, Dr. Kent New. In this episode, we discuss the problems associated with preclinical, as well as early- and late-stage clinical trials. If you...
The Bird’s Nest Cafe in Estes Park, CO is hosting a Fundraising Gala and Silent Auction to benefit Unite 2 Fight Paralysis! Money raised from ticket sales and auction items goes directly to Unite 2 Fight Paralysis’ work to accelerate treatments and functional recovery research for folks living with a spinal cord injury (SCI)...
Today’s conversation is the first in a three part series with Dr. Kent New on the barriers to progress for SCI treatments. Kent is a neurosurgeon and researcher who suffered a C6 level spinal cord injury from a motor vehicle accident in 2014. He is uniquely qualified through his education, work experience and lived experience with an SCI to guide us through this subject matter...